Frontline Plus For Flea Control

When it comes to controlling fleas and ticks, FRONTLINE Brand Products are the #1 recommendation of veterinarians for flea and tick control for dogs and cats.

FRONTLINE Plus offers long-lasting flea and tick control, killing up to 100% of fleas on your pet within 18 hours and up to 100% of ticks on your pet within 48 hours. Best of all, research confirms that FRONTLINE products work for an entire month to help keep your pet flea-free.

Information about Frontline plus
Frontline Plus provides protection against fleas and ticks, and contains a special ingredient to kill flea eggs and larvae. By stopping the development of new fleas, Frontline Plus provides the most complete flea and tick protection available. Frontline Plus kills 100% of fleas and ticks within 48 hours, including many ticks that transmit dangerous diseases that can affect other pets and humans.

Frontline Plus Flea Control has been formulated for use on puppies and kittens from eight weeks of age and is safe for use on pregnant and lactating animals. It is a water-resistant flea medication, so it continues to kill fleas even after shampooing, swimming, rain or exposure to sunlight.

Frontline Plus features
  • Kills fleas for at least one month
  • Controls and treats Flea Allergy Dermatitis
  • Kills all known ticks for at least one month
  • Water-resistant
  • Easy to administer spot-on application
  • Each tube contains Fipronil & S-Methoprene
Flea Control for Dogs & Cats. Pet Flea & Tick Control
Fleas and ticks affect most dogs and cats, and the problems they cause can range from irritating to life-threatening. We carry a range of different products for preventing and controlling these parasites so that you and your pet can remain happy and healthy. The following products have been carefully selected to ensure that you are purchasing quality medication at an affordable price.

Using Insecticide To Eliminate Flea Infestations

There are essentially 2 different types of insecticide used to prevent or eliminate flea infestations:

To remove adult fleas from your pet
Adulticides are designed to kill adult fleas on your pet. Most work within 24 hours. However, freshly-caught fleas (known as 'hitchhiker fleas') can breed rapidly and may have the opportunity to lay eggs before they die. This is why scientists the world over agree that the most effective way to prevent or eliminate fleas is to use adulticides in combination with Insect Growth Regulators. This is known as Integrated Flea Control.

Insect Growth Regulators
To eliminate flea eggs in the home

Insect Growth Regulators have been developed especially to target the egg stage of the flea life cycle. Quite simply, they are designed to prevent flea eggs from hatching. So, if your cat or dog does shed any flea eggs around your home, they'll just die and get sucked up by the vacuum cleaner. And all without the need to spray the house, and wash all the bedding.

There are different ways of practicing Integrated Flea Control, depending on the level of control required for the pet, its 'natural' exposure to fleas, the level of control that you want to achieve, and the type of product you want to use.

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